Em 15/05/2009 eu escrevia essa música ao atravessar a rua em uma tarde qualquer. Estava salva em rascunhos e se não postasse hoje sei que cairia no esquecimento. Sem inspiração para escrever, ela diz tudo!
I've been through this before
I know the end, it's been the same
What if now it changes?
How will I do things I want to do?
How can I walk without feeling my feet?
Where is the path?
Has it been here?
I guess once again
it was another dream
I am blind
I know
I am deaf
Speak louder
I can't feel it
Burn me!
Burn me!
Dontt have pity on me!
Don't look at me that way!
I 've chosen this pain
I've heard that saying
Don't relieve
Not again
Not again
I've been through this before
I know the end, it's been the same
What if now it changes?
How will I do things I want to do?
How can I walk without feeling my feet?
Where is the path?
Has it been here?
I guess once again
it was another dream
I am blind
I know
I am deaf
Speak louder
I can't feel it
Burn me!
Burn me!
Dontt have pity on me!
Don't look at me that way!
I 've chosen this pain
I've heard that saying
Don't relieve
Not again
Not again